ISO 21001:2018 specifies requirements for educational organizations management systems (EOMS) when the organization:
It is necessary to showcase the capacity of the system to facilitate the acquisition and advancement of skills via teaching, research, and learning.
The system’s primary objective is to improve learners, beneficiaries, and staff content by efficiently implementing its EOMS. This includes procedures to enhance the system and ensure compliance with the needs of learners and other beneficiaries.
The requirements specified in ISO 21001:2018 are universal and relevant for any organization that employs a curriculum to facilitate the acquisition of competence through teaching, learning, or research, irrespective of the delivery method, size, or type.
ISO 21001:2018 is suitable for educational institutions operating within larger organizations that do not primarily focus on education, including departments responsible for professional training.

However, ISO 21001:2018 is not applicable to organizations that exclusively produce or manufacture educational products.
The world of education, spanning from preschool to university and vocational training, is constantly changing and evolving. As the trend towards collaborative partnerships supersedes the traditional customer-supplier relationship, learners’ expectations also evolve. Consequently, learning providers must adapt to these new ways of working while maintaining a high level of service.
The ISO 21001 standard for educational organizations – Management systems for educational organizations – Requirements with guidance for use is intended to address this challenge by specifying the requirements for a management system to assist educational providers in better meeting the needs and expectations of their learners and other beneficiaries, and in demonstrating greater credibility and impact.
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