Working at Height Safety


Working at height refers people working from any place where there is possibility of potential fall and injure themselves, which may be a ladder, open floor, edge of roof etc. working at height requires proper precautions to safeguard themselves falling from height which may result in serious injury. Falling from height is one among the prominent cause of work related injury. It’s the duty of employer to make sure that the work from height works are done with all precautionary actions

Who should opt for Work at Height Training?

This working at height course is essential for anyone, working in any environment, where there is a risk of falling from a height such as;

  • Supervisors
  • Employees working in height
  • Self-employed workers
  • Builders & Contractors
  • Window cleaners
  • Decorators
  • Construction Workers
  • Warehouse Workers
  • Roofers

Outcomes of Work at Height Training control measures

Introduction to work at height

  • Snap Hooks
  • Legal requirements
  • Definitions
  • Hazards, Risks, Consequences of working at height
  • Guard Rail Systems
  • Personal Fall Arrest System
  • Positioning Device System
  • Activities which can be considered as work at height
  • Lanyard
  • Body Belt (Safety Belt)
  • Introduction to OSHA (1926.500 – 503) Sub Part M-Fall Protection

Fall Protection

  • Guard Rails
  • Anchorage
  • Legal requirements
  • Horizontal Lifeline
  • Vertical Lifeline
  • Full Body Harness
  • Connectors
  • Safety Nets
  • Free Fall Distance
  • Calculation of Total Fall Distance
  • Warning Lines

Leading Edge Work

Hoist Areas

Holes & Sky Lights

Ramps, Runways & Walkways


Course Certification:

On successfully completing the assessment, the delegate would obtain a completion certificate and can print a wallet card with a unique identifier number. These can be checked either by scanning the QR code or in the ‘Check a Card’ function on the home page of Human Focus International LMS.

Benefits of Working at height training

Employee benefits

  • Gain adequate skill, knowledge and experience on selecting and setting up work at height equipment which are safe and ready to use.
  • Identify, minimize /avoid potential risks at work place that eliminate the risk of severe and fatal injuries
  • Explain co-workers and others on taking up necessary steps to meet the needs of proper statutory requirements
  • Using fall protection system /devices with appropriate rescue measures.

Employer benefits

  • Proactive measure to manage and monitor claims by avoiding the probability of industrial injury claims by their contactors and employee
  • Comply in accordance with legal laws and requirements along with health and safety at work.
  • Can make sure to get enhanced performance at workplace
  • Increase awareness and safety culture of risks related to working at height
  • Motivate employee to take steps towards avoiding and preventing the risk of falling from height
  • Offer easy and interactive training experience for workers/mangers /supervisors

Why Choose Green World’s as your Safety Training Partner

Green World Group is a leading health and safety institute with global presence , with a team of excellent industry specific tutors Green World Group offers a range of health and safety courses, NEBOSH qualifications, IOSH, National diplomas, CPD approved courses, RoSPA courses helps candidates to meet their industry specific requirements