NEBOSH International Diploma Course – Difference B/W Old (November 2015) & New Syllabus (July2020)
This session is a part of the free webinar session on NEBOSH International Diploma (IDIP) conducted by Green World Group with Key speaker Mr. Shanker Sreekumar, CEO- Green World Group of companies, with Mr. Dilip Madurai, Grad IOSH, Sr. HSE Tutor/Consultant.
This part gives detailed explanation on Difference Between NEBOSH Diploma Course Old (November 2015) and New Syllabus (July 2020)
Video Transcription
So, I hope you all have been briefed about what is Green World Group and how we have come up to this level.
Now, “I will be taking you down on what are the changes that has come up on this NEBOSH international diploma for occupational health and safety management professionals”
This particular diploma course is known worldwide. Previously, this NEBOSH courses were running down here in Middle East and Asian regions, and now it has reached on to Europe, US and Canada also
When we say about NEBOSH International diploma, we all had a concept that, it was a written examination and really we need to struggle a lot to make sure that we understand the concept at best and then we go and write an examination.
Now, “What does the new syllabus say?”
Previous syllabus is called as November 2015 syllabus and the new syllabus is called as July 2020 Syllabus.
Previously we had four units or four assessments i.e. 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D where in 1 A, B and C was a written examination, you would go to a British council and you would write a written examination and 1D was practical where you will have to write a detailed report and you would submit it to a NEBOSH directly for their review.
Now the recommended self-study hours were 240 hours. Approximately 240 hours’ worth of study material was being provided and the assessment time was approximately 30 hours, then no prior learning was mentioned anywhere. Now, the examination mode was written examination. These were all the specification.
Now what has changed from the old to new on the new syllabus, which has been officially approved on July, 2020 was instead of 4 units now you will only have 3 units, which they have named it as ID1, ID2 and ID3.
Now the recommended self-study hours, they have reduced it to 144 hours. They have done a lot of changes on the syllabus, removed a lot of contents and they have added a bit new content also on the syllabus.
The assessment time is now 140 hours. Definitely learners can spend more or less time on that assessment it’s depends upon how they are going to write their exam or how they are going to write their report.
Now content from the November, 2015 specification, that forms the part of the International General Certificate, now classed as prior learning, which means those who have NEBOSH IGC will find this course easy.
Many of the content that studied in NEBOSH IGC is now being removed from the NEBOSH diploma syllabus, but they have designed or they have said, or they have moved those contents in a different name it’s called a prior learning i.e. you should have knowledge about those contents.
On our course material, which we are developing separate section for prior learning. It’s not that we have completely deleted that and we are not going to provide it to any of our students.
Now why we have to go for that prior learning? Questions can be asked from that also.… I will tell you what kind of questions you can expect. Prior learning content is also important.
So prior learning is itself, a quite a big document that we will have to refer, during our mode of study. All examinations can be completed remotely that means you can write the examination in your house /in your workplace
NEBOSH International Diploma (New Specification July 2020) ‘Live’ 3-way Q&A Webinar Session with the Experts was Conducted by Green World Group !
Let’s go to the next one, which is unit assessments
And now, as I said, is it divided into three units which must be completed within five years of your enrollment. These are the three units on July, 2021 which are unit ID1, ID2, and ID3. Now for this 3 units in order to get your NEBOSH diploma certificate in your hand, you have to complete this within five years of your enrollment.
After 5 years, what will happen if you have passed one, or if you haven’t passed then two and three, then you will have to retake it once again.
All units are mandatory and there are no optional unit. That means that you will have to complete ID1, ID2 and ID3 in order to get the final certificate. And all three assessments cannot be competed at the same time because examination itself is designed like that.
So once again, three units, you have five years to complete. If you pass the five-years without completing even any single one, your registration stands void. All units are compulsory and all the assessment cannot be done at the same time, the reason is that these are the assessment dates for 2020 specification.

Now for this year, we have ID1, the first examination is scheduled on 8th of September, 2021. That means here you can find 2 dates, you will find confused.
Now, what is this release date and what is this submission date?
The first examination is going to be happening for this first module, which is ID1. So you will get your question paper on 8th September, 2021 on your registered email ID.
“I think now you all must have known how NEBOSH IGC examinations are conducted. You will be getting a username and password for logging onto the NEBOSH examination portal”
Just like that, once you are registered, you will be getting a username and password from NEBOSH. With username and password, you will log in to the NEBOSH examination portal.
And on 8th September, the timing they will send, maybe 12’o clock Middle Eastern time or whatever it is. When you log in over there, you will find the question.
You can download the question on your computer and then you can start preparing your answers based on that question that has been given to you, and you can submit it on or before 20th of October, 2021.
ID2, the second module will be releasing
That means you will be getting the assessment on your registered email ID on 10th of November, 2021. And the submission date is 8th of December, 2021.
For ID3,
it will be 13th of Jan, 2022. And your submission date will be 10th of February, 2022. Once you’re registering with us, you will get full information.
We will be having a lot of zoom sessions and on in between that to ensure that you do understand. How to write and what to write, etc.
For ID3,
it will be 13th of Jan, 2022. And your submission date will be 10th of February, 2022. Once you’re registering with us, you will get full information.
We will be having a lot of zoom sessions and on in between that to ensure that you do understand. How to write and what to write, etc.
Now there will be a question, when is the next examination for 2022?
ID3 is on 13th of January. Then after that from 2022 onwards, this is the pattern. For each unit will have two assessment dates every year. This is going to be same. From 2022 onwards ID1 can be registered for examination.
The first release will be on March then on September. For ID2 again on May and November; then ID3, January and July.
So once you register for NEBOSH diploma examination, you have got two chances in 2022 to appear for ID1 that is on March and September.
So unfortunately, you register and you want to take a self-exam you register on December. Some students come, they think about it and they register for December.
Your first examination will be done on March for ID1.
Then your second examination will be done on May for ID2 and then ID3 will be conducted on July.
That’s how it goes. So you can find out the first release will be on March, second release on September. So once again, for every module, you have two chances in every year.
Now, let me take you down to what are these release dates and submission date?
The release date is the date that the learners will be able to download the assessment paper and start work on their assessment. Here you must have seen a release date, right?

This ID1 on 8th of September. That means those are students who have registered now, Even the next month or something, this registration closes on approximately 30 days prior.
You need sufficient time to study, you cannot just come simply and register for exams and go, you really need to sit with us to better understand this.
What are those release date and submission date? The release date, once again, when the learners will be able to download the assessment.
So for 2021, the release dates I have already shown you on that particular day, timing will be announced by NEBOSH usually it is 12 o’clock Middle-East. At that particular time, you can download the question and you can start.
The completed assessment must then be uploaded and submitted to NEBOSH by the closing date. For the ID1, your closing date will be 20th of October, 2021. So release date and submission date is very important, but don’t worry.
Once you are registered with us, we will just inform you on every second what to do. And we will personally confirm that all of you have uploaded your answers on time. So learners will have the following time periods to complete each assessment.
So for unit ID1, it’s 30 working days. Almost you will get 60 hours of time to refer the books and get the best answer as NEBOSH requirement. Then for ID2 and ID3, the balance two modules, you have 20 working days each. Because the scenario won’t that be much big.
It’ll be a smaller scenario. Hopefully we haven’t got anything, only we have got example for unit ID1, but for ID2 and ID3, we will come to know how it is.
Content’s removed as I said that, there are some prior content or some prior learning is now. Those topics from the older syllabus which has been removed.

- principles of law of contract,
- system failures and system reliability
- failure tracing methodologies
- human psychology, sociology behavior
- benefits of effective health and safety leaderships
These all contents have been removed completely. Now, these all syllabus available in NEBOSH website or once you join with us on our e-learning platform, it’s been clearly defined that what are those contents has been removed?
Once you joined with us, all of our contents are that you will see on our e-learning platform up to date material.
There will be a specific section for prior learning and for the current syllabus material that you may need to study and refer.
Then this section particular forms the major part of our NEBOSH IGC and these are the contents of that has been removed again and they kept it as prior learning.

Reasons for effective management of health and safety. You all remember?
It’s a basic question that we start with IOSH, right?”
Legal, moral, and social. The three reasons why we have to manage safely, that was clear in detail defined in the old syllabus, but in the new syllabus, it’s no more there.
The three things, why we need to manage things to safely, they have legal, moral, and social or otherwise legal, moral, and financial. These three reasons were in detail, covered in our oldest specification or in our older syllabus.
Now, when it comes to the new syllabus, you won’t find this there. So does that mean that I don’t need to study about legal, moral, and social?
No, that is a prior learning. You should have knowledge about it. So we are not including that on the syllabus, but when a question comes up, it may be referred. You may mean to refer legal, moral, and social on your answer sheet.
These are prior learning subjects, even though they have been removed from the July, 2020 specification, it doesn’t mean that you no need to remember that, it’s still needed.
These are the things has been clearly mentioned that is no more included in the new syllabus. But once again, it is considered as a prior learning and you should have some knowledge about that.
Then the reporting and recording of loss events, losses and near miss investigations, different kinds of sources of information that you can collect from various incidents or hazard reporting or whatever, then the assessment and evaluation of risk; these are some of the important contents that has been removed and gets as the prior learning.
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